Can you clean wood toys with bleach?

You should not use bleach or harsh chemicals, as they can dry out the wood. You should never soak wooden toys, as wood is very porous. The shape of the toy can change and deform with too much moisture, and if the toy doesn't dry completely, more germs and bacteria will want to get out. Finally, to avoid any infection, never use cleaning products for wooden furniture or disinfecting wipes.

These products would be toxic to your child. The best way to safely clean and disinfect your wooden toys is to use 100% ecological vinegar, diluted in water.

Wooden toys

can have a very long life if they are well maintained. Because you know that they could end up in your child's mouth.

Just remember to wash them frequently and you won't have to worry. Cleaning your wooden toys is simple. Bronner's liquid Castilla soap or a diluted vinegar solution will disinfect your toys. Use a soft cloth or brush to clean and rinse, but do not immerse it in water.

Dry your wooden toys right away. Stay away from bleach and abrasive cleaners that can damage wood, impoverish it of its natural moisture and lighten it. The weight and texture of the organic material, the pattern of the wood veins and the rich scent nourish the senses of young children. Cleaning wooden toys is easy, but just like cleaning soft toys, they need proper care, as some methods can damage them.

So you can take comfort in the fact that your child's wooden toys are less likely to harbor nasty germs. Beeswax is also a great safe option for babies, as it will protect wooden toys from drying out, prevent them from being scratched and will keep them looking fantastic. Wooden outdoor toys, such as playhouses, tend to get dirtier than indoor toys, but the same guidelines still apply. Sometimes marks, dents, or scratches appear, but memories stored in a much-loved toy are priceless.

However, be careful if the toys are painted, as sandpaper is likely to remove the color along with the stain. You'll be happy to know that cleaning wooden toys doesn't require harsh chemicals, special products, or equipment. With the right cleaning and care, your traditional toys last for generations and can be passed on to grandchildren or other families for them to enjoy. After 24 to 48 hours of fastening, the wood will be stronger than ever and is unlikely to break again in the same place.

Thanks to their natural antimicrobial properties, wooden toys are easy to clean without the use of harsh chemicals. With the right care, one day your children will be able to pass on their wooden blocks or toys to throw away to their children. However, wood won't be as affected by germs as plastic toys, due to its natural antibacterial quality. If your wooden toys are used in a daycare or daycare center, follow your center's guidelines for toy sanitation.

The best way to safely clean and disinfect your wooden toys is to use 100% ecological vinegar, diluted in water.

Myron Burglin
Myron Burglin

Extreme bacon enthusiast. Unapologetic twitter enthusiast. Avid web scholar. General music geek. Hipster-friendly social media advocate. Freelance twitter trailblazer.

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